Monday, June 9, 2008

Monday Night Chats Temporarily Discontinued

Due to the busy schedule for the months of June and July.... We will not plan on having Monday night chat night.

We are still going to try to keep some posts going. But that in itself has been a struggle (as you can tell) for the last couple of weeks.

We want to be a service for families. We want to survive and thrive in this world... and we want you and your family to not only survive but to also THRIVE.

Marriage/Parenting/Christian Living is work.. it is commitment... it can sometimes be HARD. But is it definitely worth all the effort. Keep your eyes on Jesus. He is the author and finisher of our faith! Keep Him at the center of your home... your marriage... your family... your time.

So your assignment for the summer months... keep up the Friday Family Fun...
Read a good book on the home.
Maybe even read a good book together.
Share with us what you are reading to encourage each other.
Remember that Love is "meeting needs".... so Love on the precious family that God has given you!

Surviving and (today we are ) Thriving!
Hal and DeeDee